主演:让·杜雅尔丹 露易丝·莫诺特 米歇尔·奥蒙 Gregory Loffr
简介:1967年法国特工休伯特突然被指派去巴西里约热内卢追查二战漏网纳粹高官的下落。几经周折终于跟踪到了嫌疑人,休伯特本以为可以一发子弹顺利交差,却又接到新指示,此人是重要情报线索,需要从他身上获取二战期间协助德国纳粹的法国叛国人员名单。所以休伯特只得一边和他觥筹交错,一边暗中设计。与他同时行动的还有另外一家情报机构的漂亮女间谍杜萝兹。两人起初还针锋相对,但一夜春宵后立刻化敌为友...... 幕后制作 英国有个邦德007,法国则出了个特工117。而且这个117早在1949年就活跃在银幕上了,比第一部邦德还早4年。不过这个117的长处是搞笑而不是枪战和特殊武器。影片整体格调轻松、诙谐,很有法国风味。 这部系列间谍电影混合了法式讽刺和故意为之的智慧把法国喜剧的精神再次展现在世人面前。曾经风靡50-60年代的OSS间谍系列在今天还有一大批铁杆粉丝。系列中新作邀请了出演过《押运人》和《劳斯一家》等诸多影视作品的法国影星让·杜雅赫丹扮演间谍。OSS间谍出场和007有着几分雷同,和007背后有强大的科技力量相比,OOS117却连装备也是自己亲手秘密研制,片中OSS117从造型到习惯动作都和肖恩·康纳利版的007神似,就连117女郎都酷似邦女郎。
简介:We had left Stefano with a question: Will I ever be able to go back there, where only lovers can be, three steps over heaven? The answer is coming...After two years in the U.S., Stefano returns to Rome to confront all that he had tried to leave behind: the ache for a dead friend; the difficult relationship with his mother; an unknown future as an adult for which only he can be responsible; and his burdensome reputation as a “legend” with which to come to terms. Many things have changed, and his meeting with the captivating and irresistible Gin will catapult Stefano towards feelings and sensations that he had only had with Babi, his first great love, the memory of her still burning within. Will Gin be able to take Babi’s place in Stefano’s heart? In love we don’t always know what we really want. Even when we think we’re sure of it. We had left Stefano with a question: Will I ever be able to go back there, where only lovers can be, three steps over heaven? The answer is coming... From the novel by Federico Moccia, with the same name.